You claimed that "Light has the same speed relative to all reference frames" resulted from the incorrect reasoning of Einstein, but it has been proved by experiments. What do you say about this?
My answer can be summarized below:
1. Many facts can be expained in different ways. For the fact that the Sun rises from the east and sets in the west, we can interpret it either as the Sun is orbiting the Earth, or the Earth itself is rotating.
That's why we are trying to avoid facts in this paper, unless they are absolutely necessary.
2. If it is absolute truth that "Light has the same speed relative to all reference frames", then the first postulate of Special Relativity (the principle of relativity) must be wrong.
The apple falling example has clearly shown us that the principle of relativity demands that all motions are relative, while "Light has the same speed relative to all reference frames" represents the absolute motion of light.
3. If the two postulates of Special Relativity are replaced by "Light has the same speed relative to all reference frames", will that make Special Relativity valid?
No. As shown from "What is Special Relativity?" (section 2) of this paper, Special Relativity puts two conflicting requirements on light: the motion of light has to be both relative and absolute.
So, no matter how we change the postulates, Special Relativity will still be invalid.